Dr Athokpam Bikramjit Singh
Designation : Professor
Qualification : MCA, PhD
Email ID : bikramjits@yit.edu.in
Name: Dr. Athokpam Bikramjit Singh
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Designation: Professor
Date of Joining: 27-09-2023
Qualification: MCA, PhD
Email ID: bikramjits@yit.edu.in
Teaching Experience: 15
Industrial Experience: 01
Specialization UG : Computer Science
Specialization PG : Computer Science
Research Area: Cloud Computing, Computer Networks
Interested Area: Unix Skill Sets, Cyber Security, Open Source Software
Paper Published: 17
International: 17
National: Nil
Recognitions/ Achievements: Best paper award at SACAIM 2017 and ICTIEE-2021
Workshop/FDP Attended: Attended many workshop and FDP across the country.
Personal Profile: bit.ly/Abikramjit
Nature of Association: Regular